Tajfun players celebrating their historic success. Foto: www.alesfevzer.com
Tajfun players celebrating their historic success. Foto: www.alesfevzer.com

The most valuable player of the final series became the veteran Dragiša Drobnjak, after Smiljan Pavić the second Slovenian player to win the title with three different clubs. 37-year old Drobnjak won with Tajfun his sixth title of the national champion, thus joining the Slovenian record holders - Pavič, Jaka Daneu (8 titles) and Dušan Hauptman (seven titles).
"Before the beginning of the season I saw that this team had potential, and could go far, but I never imagined it could reach the top. I kept pushing them every day and encouraged them to train as hard as possible, and to give their best. I believe that's one of the main reasons we came this far," said Drobnjak, MVP of the finals.
The basketball players from Šentjur have never lost a match at home in this year's play-offs. They became only the fourth Slovenian club to place the cup into their display case. Union Olimpija won the title 15 times, Krka 7, and Helios once.