Vlasta Nussdorfer. Foto: DZ/
Vlasta Nussdorfer. Foto: DZ/

These are the findings of the Human Rights Ombudsman Vlasta Nussdorfer in the annual report for 2014, which was presented today to the Speaker of the National Assembly Milan Brglez. The Ombudsman issued 114 recommendations for the state. The majority of the recommendations from last year still haven't been implemented.

Many times it is philanthropic organizations that deal with poverty issues. Nussdorfer stresses that these issues should first and foremost be the responsibility of the state. The report further writes that state employees are often too rigid and official when dealing with vulnerable groups. The state still fails to ensure the equal treatment of all people.

In the field of justice the situation has improved, however court backlogs are still a major issue, assessed the Ombudsman.

Lucija Dimnik Rikić, Radio Slovenija;
translated by K. J.