Despite the 2013 pension reform, the amount of funds being transferred from the budget into the pension fund is on the rise. Last year 1,6 billion euros were spent to fill the holes in the pension fund. Foto: BoBo
Despite the 2013 pension reform, the amount of funds being transferred from the budget into the pension fund is on the rise. Last year 1,6 billion euros were spent to fill the holes in the pension fund. Foto: BoBo

IMAD establishes that the government plans do include medium-term fiscal consolidation, however not to an appropriate effect.

IMAD warns that although Slovenia has one of the fastest ageing populations in the EU, the social security system has not yet adapted to the conditions on hand. This causes difficulties for the state to ensure social protection for its citizens. At the same time it is an additional burden to the country's public finances.

1,6 billion euros for filling the hole in the pension fund
Despite the 2013 pension reform, the amount of funds being transferred from the budget into the pension fund is on the rise. Last year 1,6 billion euros were spent to fill the holes in the pension fund. According to IMAD it all points towards the pressing need for adopting serious reforms in order to provide sustainable financing for the country’s pension system.