In February 1,727 unemployed persons were registered at the Slovenian Employment service, i.e. 1,4% less than in January. Foto: BoBo
In February 1,727 unemployed persons were registered at the Slovenian Employment service, i.e. 1,4% less than in January. Foto: BoBo

In February 1,727 unemployed persons were registered at the Slovenian Employment service, i.e. 1,4% less than in January. In comparison with February last year unemployment decreased by 5.6%. A total of 6,952 persons were registered anew, 49.8% less than in January, and 12.8% less than in February last year. Among the newly registered, 1,056 were first job seekers, 1,242 were redundant workers, while to 3,616 persons their fixed-term contracts have expired.

Out of the 8,679 unemployed persons who were deleted from the Employment Service's register in February, 6,523 got employed or self-employed, which is 4.5% more than in January and 9.1% more than in February last year.

The number of unemployed much smaller than last year
In January and February in average 123,416 of unemployed persons were registered at the Employment service, which is 4.9% less than in the same period last year. During the first two months of the year 20,792 unemployed persons registered anew, which annually constitutes 8.8% drop; most often due to expiration of fixed-term contracts (12,867, i.e. 0.7% less than in the same period of the last year). From the other registered 2,383 were first job seekers (-22,4%) and 3,208 redundant workers or workers from bankrupt companies (-24.3%).

In January and February 17,698 unemployed persons were deleted from the Employment Service's register; 12,764 got employed, which is 4.8% more than in the first two months of the last year.

B. T.
Translated by G. K.