For the next week meteorological prognoses for the mentioned Karst fields predict 20 to 50 millimetres of rain, the precipitations will be more extensive on Wednesday and Thursday. Foto: BoBo
For the next week meteorological prognoses for the mentioned Karst fields predict 20 to 50 millimetres of rain, the precipitations will be more extensive on Wednesday and Thursday. Foto: BoBo

According to the reports by the Slovenian Environment Agency ARSO, some of the flooded areas have increased, mostly in the Loška dolina valley due to swelling of the Veliki Obrh creek. The level of the Cerknica lake is rising, and of the lake at the Planinsko polje field. The increase of both lakes is expected in the days to come.

For the next week meteorological prognoses for the mentioned Karst fields predict 20 to 50 millimetres of rain, the precipitations will be more extensive on Wednesday and Thursday. Arso warns that the rain could cause additional increase of the water levels at the Cerknica and the Planinsko fields.

The Loška dolina valley municipal civil protection headquarters warns the inhabitants to watch for possible rise of water in the vicinity of their homes, and to move their property to a safe place. The warning is especially directed to the hamlets of Markovec, Pudob, Kozarišče, and Šmarata. For today the organized transport of children to school is cancelled in the municipality of the Loška dolina valley; parents are asked to take care of it by themselves.

With the exception of the Karst field of the Notranjska and the Dolenjska regions, all the other watercourses throughout Slovenia are diminishing. The conditions after flooding are improving in Ljubljana, on the Ljubljana marshes, Ig, and Dobrepolje.

Today no extensive precipitations are expected. Predominantly cloudy weather is forecasted by Arso in the western part of Slovenia, with occasional rain mostly in the hilly parts of the country.

Restoration of the areas affected by flooding is continuing all over the country. The Civil Protection Services of Ljubljana informed the inhabitants that this morning a hotline was established by the Vodovod - Kanalizacija public company to which they can apply for cleaning out cesspits; the rightful claimants will be entitled to cleaning of a yearly quantity up to five cubic metres.

For the inhabitants of the flooded areas south of Ljubljana transport from the flooded areas to bus stations of the city regular bus lines will be organized.

L. D.

Translated by G. K.