Kevin Kampl is in second place in Austria’s Sportsman of the Year. Foto: EPA
Kevin Kampl is in second place in Austria’s Sportsman of the Year. Foto: EPA

The 21-year-old player Alaba from Bayern Munich seems to be on a roll, wining Champions League, the German Cup and now claiming his place as Austria’s Sportsman of the Year. Although the choice seems evident, it is shocking to note that Alaba is the first football player to win the award since Toni Polster in 1997.
Coming in second place of the award is Kevin Kampl, star of the “Red Bull” from Salzburg. Kampl is best known for organizing the club’s first games, while playing in Slovenia’s national team as Slovenia’s best player. The 23-year-old Štajerc played for the “Red Bull” during the fall season of 2013-14, in which he made 10 goals and 16 assists out of 29 matches. All the while, Kampl suffered from an injured left ankle.
During this year’s winter break, Kampl helped Salzburg with an additional 11 points in the Budesliga games. Thanks to Kampl Salzburg has won all six matches in the European League and will be playing against Ajax in the 1-16 finals.