Dmitry Medvedev, Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo
Dmitry Medvedev, Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo

Medvedev stressed that Russia is interested in joint projects with Slovenia, e.g. energy-related projects. As the South Stream project has been scrapped, Russia is now focussed on building a pipeline through Turkey. Medvedev invited Slovenia to participate in the project, but PM Cerar seemed somewhat hesitant.

The two Prime Ministers exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis. "We expect Slovenia to continue to seek a balanced and reasonable approach to the crisis within the EU, i.e. continue to follow the path it is already on," said Medvedev. Cerar hopes the situation in Ukraine will improve. Once it improves, sanctions against Russia could be suspended or lifted.

The Prime Ministers noted that relations between the two countries were good. They believe that there are many opportunities to strengthen cooperation between Slovenia and Russia, especially in business and trade.

Tomaž Gerden, Radio Slovenija;
translated by D. V.