Lately quite a lot of snow has fallen in high mountain range, therefore winter gear is needed for ascent to higher mountaintops. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
Lately quite a lot of snow has fallen in high mountain range, therefore winter gear is needed for ascent to higher mountaintops. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
Severno pobočje
Winder conditions demand from visitors certain skills and experience. Foto: Urban Bera

The Alpine Association of Slovenia PZS advises to check the conditions before heading for the mountains. If the conditions are too severe, mountaineers should chose a less demanding tour, suggests PZS General Secretary Matej Planko.
Winter gear is required
In high mountain range recently quite a lot of snow has fallen, therefore winter gear is obligatory for conquering tops of the higher mountains. Such conditions demand also certain skills required for safe hiking through mountains in winter period.
The gear required for safe hiking depends on the actual conditions in the mountains. Obviously the list for winter tours is much longer than in summer. The basic things required for a one-day easy tour on snow are of course undershirt with long sleeves, long johns, adequate stockings, long hiking trousers, a cardigan or a sweater, wind-proof trousers and a wind-proof jacket, leg warmers, a cap, woollen or fleece gloves, protectors and spare clothing, and hiking boots.
Mountaineers must be also equipped with crampons, an ice axe, and other accessories including an avalanche rescue beacon, a shovel, and an avalanche probe. Just as in summer, hikers should also carry first aid kit, a head-light, protective googles, sunscreen, a map and a compass, a suitable quantity of food and non-alcoholic beverages, and a garbage bag. A place in your backpack should be reserved for a mobile phone as well, and those who like to take photos should not forget their camera.
Snow conditions and avalanche danger
Mountaineers should step carefully in order to return to the valley satisfied, and in good health. Until they gain adequate experiences and skill, they should venture into mountains in winter as a part of a group, or accompanied by an experienced mountaineer.
They should plan their tours into mountains, and estimate time needed for walking and for rest, for meals, and for the return to the valley. Additional time should be calculated in, to be on the safe side. They should choose their destination with care, starting with the easier tours.
They should acquire as much data as possible about their planned route, their final destination, the length of the tour, and on open mountain huts and bivouacs on the road. They should also listen carefully to weather reports on current weather, and weather forecast. In winter they should verify the condition of snow cover, and avalanche dangers.
According to Thursday data reported by the Slovenian Environmental Agency, the avalanche danger in the Slovenian mountains is mostly of the first degree, i.e. small. Only in high mountain range approximately 2300 metres above the sea level the danger is greater, i.e. of the second degree according to the European Five Degree Danger Scale. At Kredarica the snow cover depth has already reached almost 1 metre.
When help is needed, either for oneself or for somebody else, and there are open mountain huts in the vicinity, the necessary information can be obtained by the keepers. If that is not possible, the problem should be reported to the emergency number 112. Mountaineers should take into account the warning by PZS that not everywhere in the Slovenian mountain the signals for mobile phones and radio stations are available.
D. S., translated by G. K.