There will be many new faces in the new assembly after the victory of Miro Cerar's SMC Party in last month's early elections. Foto: BoBo
There will be many new faces in the new assembly after the victory of Miro Cerar's SMC Party in last month's early elections. Foto: BoBo

There will be many new faces in the new assembly after the victory of Miro Cerar's SMC Party in last month's early elections. The SMC Party won 36 seats, which is the most number of seats that any single party has won since independence. At today's session the biggest party will put forward Milan Brglez for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly.

Another new name in parliament will be the United Left party. There will also be a record number of females in the new assembly – 32.

Today will also be the first time for an imprisoned man to attend a parliamentary session. The leader of the opposition SDS Democrats, Janez Janša, has been granted temporary prison leave to attend the maiden session, as an elected MP. He will arrive at the session unacommpanied by judiciary police.

President Borut Pahor will address the beginning of the inaugural session, after what the mandates of the MPs are expected to be verified.

Miro Cerar, the most likely PM-designate, says the naming of a new government can be expected in the second half of September.