The newly elected Minister of Education, Klavdija Markež, has taken over the ministry from PM Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo
The newly elected Minister of Education, Klavdija Markež, has taken over the ministry from PM Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo

The former minister, Setnikar Cankar, resigned after the revelation of high fees paid out to her during her tenure at a university, apart from her regular salary. After taking the oath on Friday, Klavdija Markež said she was aware of the huge responsibility that now lies on her shoulders. During her hearing in front of the parliamentary committee, Markež emphasized the need for dialogue with all those involved in the education system. She said that more cooperation was also needed with the business sector. Markež said she was an advocate of quality public education, but was not opposed to private schooling.

Before becoming an MP Markež ran the Public University (Ljudska univerza) in Ptuj for several years. She also spent a brief period working in the business sector. According to PM Cerar, Markež's career indicates that she is most suitable for running this very important sector.