Elimination of trucks from the traffic at the Primorska highway. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Anja P. Jerič
Elimination of trucks from the traffic at the Primorska highway. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Anja P. Jerič

Snowing will increase during Thursday, and especially on Thursday night. It may keep up for most of the Friday, especially in the eastern half of Slovenia. On Thursday night and on Friday morning strong wind is expected; it will carry the dry new snow and build snowdrifts in a great part of the country.

During the heaviest snowfall forecast from Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon, 25 to 40 cm of snow should fall in 24 hours in large part of Slovenia, in the eastern part locally even more.

The Slovenian Environment Agency Arso warns of disruptions in all types of traffic throughout Slovenia, in the southeast of Austria, in the west of Hungary, and in the northeast of Croatia.

Slide-offs and elimination of trucks from the traffic
Snow has already caused disruptions in traffic, mostly at the Primorska highway, but also at the Dolenjska highway at the Ljubljana southern bypass, at the rest areas on the Pomurje highway towards Maribor, and at the Hungarian-Slovenian border (Dolga vas and Pince).

Thermometers at 0
Tomorrow cloudy weather with light snow is expected during the day, with moderate north wind (burja) at Primorska region, and north wind in the eastern part of Slovenia, and the lowest morning temperatures from -2 to -7 degrees Celsius, and 0 degrees at Primorska region. The highest day temperatures will be between -3 and 1 degrees Celsius, around 6 degrees at Primorska region.

L. L., T. H.
Translated by G. K.