In 1908 on the American market appears Ford T. Foto:
In 1908 on the American market appears Ford T. Foto:

In the year Austria issues the first postcards.
In 1880 Thomas Edison opens the first light bulb factory.
In 1881 American aircraft designer and industrialist William Edward Boeing is born. His company made civil and military aircraft.
In 1908 on the American market appears the new Ford T, which became one of the best-selling cars.
In 1923, the Italian Government adopted the law on school reform, called the Gentili reform, which provided the gradual elimination of tuition in the Slovenian language at primary schools in the region of Venezia Giulia. By 1927 there were no more classes in Slovenian and Croatian.
In 1942 the Italians shoot the Slovenian painter and cartoonist Hinko Smrekar.
In 1971 in Orlando, Florida the first amusement park Walt Disney World opens.
In 1982, the company Sony places on the market the first music player with compact disks.
In 1998 in The Hague, Europol, the European police force comes into operation.
1977 - Meco takes the No.1 spot on the American singles chart with 'Star Wars Theme'.
1988 - Bon Jovi is at the top of the British albums chart with his record 'New Jersey'. From that album two of the songs were placed at No.1 on the Billboard 100 – they were 'Bad Medicine' and 'I'll Be There for You'.
2000 - Madonna reigns at the top of the American albums chart with her 'Music'.
1935 – singer and actress Julie Andrews (1965 'The Sound Of Music').
1959 – Senegalese singer Youssou N'dour (1994 with Nennah Cherry '7 seconds').
1974 - Keith Duffy, singer in the group Boyzone (1996 'Words').