Defence Minister Janko Veber maintains that this is a reasonable move. Foto: BoBo
Defence Minister Janko Veber maintains that this is a reasonable move. Foto: BoBo

The Slovenian government has dismissed Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces Dobran Božič, and named Andrej Osterman his successor. Defence Minister Janko Veber maintains that this is a reasonable move. However, President Pahor has expressed his reservations about such hasty decisions.

Veber said after today’s government session that Božič will continue his career as defence advisor in the UN in New York.

“It is an amicable agreement,” said Veber, adding, “We have come to the conclusion that this is the best moment for him to step down.” Veber said it was Božič’s wish to continue his career with the United Nations.

The move is not without controversy, though. President Borut Pahor, who is also Slovenia’s commander-in-chief, meanwhile warned Veber of the pitfalls of such a move. He said that replacing the chief of staff of the armed forces whenever a new defence minister is appointed is a bad move even if an amicable agreement is reached.