Miro Cerar, Alenka Bratušek, Dejan Židan Foto: BoBo
Miro Cerar, Alenka Bratušek, Dejan Židan Foto: BoBo

After counting the election ballots sent in by mail, the National Electoral Commission announced the final unofficial results of the July 13th early elections.

The ballots that arrived by post did not change the end results. The SLS People's Party missed making it into parliament by around 400 votes. This is the first time in SLS's history to be out of parliament. Meanwhile Miro Cerar's SMC party is the undisputed winner of the elections, winning 36 seats in the 90-seat parliament. Cerar has said he would consider coalition talks with all parties in the National Assembly except the SDS Democrats, who came in second winning 21 seats. The Pensioner's Party DeSUS won 10 seats, the SD Social Democrats and United Left party won 6 seats each, New Slovenia won 5, and the Alliance of Alenka Bratušek 4 parliamentary seats. Two seats are reserved for members of the Italian and Hungarian minorities.

The new parilament is expected to hold its inaugural session in August. Only 26 of the old deputies will make up the new parilament, which will also include 32 females, which is four females more than in the previous assembly.