The Institute expects that several million euros will be needed annually to settle the difference arising from the Constitutional Court decision. Foto: BoBo
The Institute expects that several million euros will be needed annually to settle the difference arising from the Constitutional Court decision. Foto: BoBo

The Constitutional Court has declared a part of the Pension and Invalidity Insurance Act, valid until the end of 2012, as unconstitutional. The revision established that some insured or retired persons paid for internal buyout of shares with a part of their salaries, which should have been included into pension basis. Due to unconstitutionality of the act that part of salaries was not included into pension basis, reminded the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute (Zpiz).
Thus the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute (ZPIZ) will by June 29, by official duty make another assessment of pensions for those who had already been revised; the number of such cases is between 6,000 and 7,000.

The retired persons whose cases have not been revised yet can by June 29 demand a revision of data on salaries and pension basis for the period in which the shares for internal buyout had been paid, and request a new pension assessment based on the revision findings. The Institute was not able to assess the number of claimants from this group, but most certainly the number will be counted in thousands.
A couple of million euros per year
The Institute expects that several million euros will be needed annually to settle the difference arising from the Constitutional Court decision. Yet the general manager of the Institute Marijan Papež claims that this sum will not weaken the pension insurance fund.

B. V.
Translated by G. K.