Peter Prevc's skis were sold for EUR 45,000. Foto: Val 202
Peter Prevc's skis were sold for EUR 45,000. Foto: Val 202

The colleagues from Val 202 started with the humanitarian action on Monday. The starting price was EUR 360, but by Friday morning it had already reached EUR 11,600. After dramatic auctioning broadcasted live on Val 202 the price reached the stratosphere and broke all the records set so far, exceeding even the prices of Cristiano Ronaldo’s and Chris Froom’s jerseys. The skis were thus sold to Bauhaus company for EUR 45,000. "It is the greatest sport trophy presently available to non-athletes," said the auctioneer Samo during the auction.
The entire profit goes for charity, for the project Sponsorship (Botrstvo).

The solemn handover of the skis will take place on Tuesday, at the reception at the Congress Square.