Sun eclipse, March 20 2015. Foto: BoBo
Sun eclipse, March 20 2015. Foto: BoBo

In Ljubljana the interesting phenomena started at 9.32. The largest part of the sun was concealed by the moon at 10.40. The end of phenomena will occur at 11.52; to those observing it in the west of the country it will be visible a minute and a half earlier, and a minute and a half later to those in the eastern parts.

Observations of the partial sun eclipse were organized as well: in Ljubljana at the Congress and Plečnik squares, in Maribor at the platform in front of the Faculty of Arts, in Murska Sobota in front of the grammar school, and in Nova Gorica at the Bevk square.

Shortly before, or shortly after a sun eclipse an eclipse of the moon occurs, this time on April 4, but it won't be visible from Slovenia. "We will have the opportunity to observe a total eclipse of the moon on September 28 of this year," Kos explained.

The next partial solar eclipse will be visible in our region only in the year 2022. As it happens, today is the first day of spring – the equinox will occur at 22.45.

Janez Kos from the Astronomical Society Labod says that this year's eclipse would be extremely interesting for polar bears, were they interested in such things, as on this day equinox will occur as well, which means that at the north pole they are witnessing the first sunrise of this year. Well, if somebody happens to be there today, he or she will be able to observe the rising of the sun which at the North Pole latitude lasts almost a day, and during the sunrise a total solar eclipse can be well.