Ivan Kapun:
Ivan Kapun: "Researches have proven that by reducing the average speed at a certain section by only 1 km/h, the number of consequences of traffic accidents, or the number of traffic accidents diminishes by whole two percent." Foto: Police

Whether we hate them or not, we should consider radar guns from another point of view as well. Speeding is one of the three top reasons for traffic accidents, and whenever we speak of suitable measures we mention that the Police should be much more present on the roads. A radar gun is actually a kind of policeman, although policemen should be present also in physical form, the expert Andrej Brglez is convinced.
It is easier to get a speeding ticket from a policeman than to receive a money order form with a photo included to our home address. Especially if the radar gun catches us more than once at the same section of the road. "That's the reason I find the personal approach better," Brglez believes, and continues that, however, it is not possible to try to sway the radar gun: "We can't make excuses and explain we were rushing the wife into maternity hospital."
Propose traffic control
In 2013 the Police introduced a web application Propose Traffic Control, by which everybody can contribute to greater safety in local environment, as everybody can suggest to the Police the points in which the behaviour of road users might require additional supervision, especially regarding speeding. Three quarters of the initiatives are prompted by frequent over speeding at the points suggested, and the rest of the initiative by other violations of traffic regulations. The Police is already familiar with most of the proposed points, and they are already controlling the traffic there, but they regularly check the new locations.