After a few sleepless nights some encouraging news from Bač. The road is no longer a stream. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
After a few sleepless nights some encouraging news from Bač. The road is no longer a stream. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
Firefighters are still pumping out water from 33 houses in Bač and Koritnica, where groundwater is still flooding the area Foto: BoBo
Water no longer runs on the road through the village of Bač. Locals have managed to redirect it to the fields. Foto: Ergyn Žječi

After a few sleepless nights some encouraging news from Bač. The road is no longer a stream. By digging a canal the water has been redirected to the fields and sinkholes, from where it then flows into the Pivka River. According to hydrologists the water has stopped rising, as have the waters in the upper Pivka basin.

Firefighters are still pumping out water from 33 houses in Bač and Koritnica, where groundwater is still flooding the area. Radio correspondent Sabrina Mulec reports that 7.500 flood sandbags were filled yesterday alone. The road leading to Koritnica is closed. Under normal circumstances the distance between Knežak and Koritnica is two kilometers, while today, through the forest detour, the distance is 25 kilometers.
There has also been one accident in which a firefighter was slightly injured.

Rain showers miss the Lož valley
The situation hasn't worsened in the flooded Lož Valley. Water levels rose by only one centimeter during the night. The mayor of Lož Valley (Loška Dolina), Janez Komidar, told the STA news agency that they've managed to avoid the worse, as the rain front only barely brushed the municipality.

Meteorologists predict that the water surfaces in the Inner-Karst region will continue to rise until tomorrow. Water levels in the fields of Lož and Cerknica are to stop rising in the night between Friday and Satruday.
Experts advised some of the houses to let out the water from their pipes, to avoid more damage due to high pressure. Today the army is to help reinforce the dykes. All villages in the valley are accessible, if not through normal roads then through forest paths.

Boiling water

The Postojna water company informs the users of drinking water in the entire Postojna-Pivka water network, that water used for preparing food should be boiled and filtered due to increased levels of dirt and the low microbiological quality of the water. The measure is in place until further notice.

The Ljubljanica River is still flooding the Ljubljana marshes (Ljubljansko barje), but only in those areas affected by floods every year. Since last night water levels there have also stopped rising. The flow of the river in Vrhnika and Moste is slowly receding.

National protection plan
Due to the situation on the ground Slovenia's Civil Protection Commander, Srečko Šestan, activated the National flood protection and rescue plan on Wednseday. That enables the activation of the remaining firefighting units and their deployment in areas under threat. The municipalities are still the ones directly responsible for providing flood protection, rescue and aid. The state comes in and takes part in protection and rescue activities when local authorities are no longer able to carry out their tasks effectively.
The rain will abate
Until this evening the rain should abate. More rainfall is forecast for Saturday.
Meteorologists advise people to be self protective. They should protect their own lives and not expose themselves to danger. If possible before the floods they should also protect their property. They should closely follow the latest developments in their surroundings and respond to the calls of civil protection members.

You're invited to watch the video made by Ergyn Žječi on Wednesday above the village of Bač with a quadrocopter.

Poplave v vasi Bač
Poplave v vasi Bač