Scholarships will only be awarded to those students enrolled in technical or vocational schools, like for example to those students studying to become a baker. Foto: BoBo
Scholarships will only be awarded to those students enrolled in technical or vocational schools, like for example to those students studying to become a baker. Foto: BoBo

Scholarships for shortage occupations will be given to high school students enrolled in vocational and technical schools in the new school year. It will be given to students interested in becoming confectioners, bakers, carpenters, or interested in professions related to hospitality services and catering, engineering, IT and chemistry.

The Human Resources Development and Scholarship public fund published the application for scholarships on its website at 9 a.m. today. The head of the fund, Franc Pristovšek, explains that the call for applications will be open from today until the end of October. However, judging by the high number of inquiries made by students and parents, who have called the fund for more information, the entire fund of one million two hundred thousand euros, which is enough for 1,000 scholarships, could be given out even before the deadline. The scholarship for shortage occupations is 100 euros per month.

Scholarship holders, which will receive the scholarship for shortage occupations, can simultaneously also receive the state or Zois scholarships, however not professional scholarships. Those students who fulfill the state scholarship criteria, and would like to receive it from September onwards, will have to submit an application at the Social Work Centre by the end of August. Meanwhile applications for the Zois scholarhips will be accepted by the scholarship fund until the 4th of September.