Slovenian Finance Minister Dušan Mramor emphasized that the discussion, which had given a number of countries a chance to present their experience, showed why structural reforms were not just a load of claptrap Foto: BoBo
Slovenian Finance Minister Dušan Mramor emphasized that the discussion, which had given a number of countries a chance to present their experience, showed why structural reforms were not just a load of claptrap Foto: BoBo

Slovenian Finance Minister Dušan Mramor emphasized that the discussion, which had given a number of countries a chance to present their experience, showed why structural reforms were not just a load of claptrap; on the contrary, they have brought excellent results. Slovenia started implementing the reforms in the second quarter of 2013, and by the last quarter of the same year, economic growth returned, while in 2014 the growth was already very high, noted Mramor.

During the talks Slovenia was presented as an example which proves that structural reforms in the form of constitutional changes, a pension reform, a labour market reform, bank rehabilitation, and the foundation of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding as well as the Bank Assets Management Company have produced the quickest possible and extremely efficient result, added the minister.

G. K., MMC; translated by K. Z.