The number of pensioners in Slovenia is on the rise – in 2013 there were 418.000 old-age pensioners, last year their number was 426.000. Foto: BoBo
The number of pensioners in Slovenia is on the rise – in 2013 there were 418.000 old-age pensioners, last year their number was 426.000. Foto: BoBo

The European Commission is calling on Slovenia – now, after it adopted measures to reduce pressure on the mid-term sustainability of the pension system – to adjust its key parameters, which would guarantee the system's sustainability after the year 2020.

The number of pensioners in Slovenia is on the rise – in 2013 there were 418.000 old-age pensioners, last year their number was 426.000. The total number of pensioners has thus increased from 602.000 to 609.000. So, the number of pensioners is continuously increasing. Together with that, expenditure on pensions is also increasing – last year, the state budget spent 1,5 billion euros to cover the pension budget holes, which is 18% more than in the previous year.

However, there will most likely be no pension reform this year. At the moment a working group is preparing an official white paper on the issue, which will be ready by the end of the year. The group will analyse the state of the country's pension insurance system and the effects of the current reform.