Klemen Prepelič scored 19 of his 21 points in the first half with 100 percent shooting. Foto: www.alesfevzer.com
Klemen Prepelič scored 19 of his 21 points in the first half with 100 percent shooting. Foto: www.alesfevzer.com

You couldn’t really tell that less than 24 hours earlier coach Jure Zdovc’s squad played a difficult match against Croatia. There was positive energy from the very beginning of the match, which was evident in the team’s fanatic defence.

The Slovenians took a decisive lead in the second quarter, when Klemen Prepelič had his show. He scored 19 points in the first half with 100 percent shooting. At half-time Slovenia led by 15 points, having scored 8 three-point shots already. The Georgians only scored 26 points in the first half. Slovenia kept up the pressure in the third quarter, when Jaka Klobučar started shining. He scored 15 points in the third quarter alone. After Slovenia’s 20-point lead Georgia managed to alleviate their loss by bringing their opponents lead down to single digits a minute before the end. Slovenia hit 11-of-21 three-pointers. It also outrebounded the Georgians with 31:20.

Slovenia’s top scorer was Prepelič with 21 points. He also added five rebounds and four assists. Klobučar scored one points less. Jaka Blažič scored 12 points.