The first muster of the Moris Brigade took place 25 years ago at Kočevska Reka. Foto: BoBo
The first muster of the Moris Brigade took place 25 years ago at Kočevska Reka. Foto: BoBo

Last year the Moris Federation of Societies and Clubs and the Association for the Values of Slovenian Independence commemorated the anniversary of Slovenian army muster roll with two separate ceremonies. President Borut Pahor thus suggested for the two organisations to organize joint ceremonies in the future, prompting the organisers to sign a cooperation agreement.

The ceremony, title ‘The day the air smelled of Slovenian Army for the first time’, will take place on Wednesday, on the eve of the anniversary, which is on 17 December. On this day 25 years ago, in 1990, the Moris Brigade gathered for the first muster roll at Kočevska Reka. Moris was a special army unit of the so-called territorial defence, from which the Slovenian Army evolved. Its commander was Tone Krkovič.

Veterans together for the first time
For the first time in the country’s history, both veteran organisations will gather together to mark the anniversary. Pahor’s office as well as the Kočevje municipality will be involved in the event, the programme will be performed by the Slovenian Octet and the Slovenian Army Orchestra, and the soldier of Slovenian Army’s 1st Brigade will participate, too, together with flag-bearers of both veteran organisations.

The ceremony will also have a number of invited speakers, including the Mayor of Kočevje municipality Vladimir Prebilič, the president of the first Slovenian government Lojze Peterle, President Borut Pahor and others.

G. K., MMC; translated by K. Z.