Milan Brglez is no longer a member of the Modern Center Party. Foto: BoBo
Milan Brglez is no longer a member of the Modern Center Party. Foto: BoBo

"By putting himself forward as Parliament Speaker, he considerably weakened our negotiating position," SMC deputy group leader Igor Zorčič said.

However, Brglez said that he was expelled because he urged the party to consolidate itself: "We need to accept the election results, and we need to prepare for new elections. We also need to recruit the best people for the positions we have open. But instead, the party leaders want to put their friends into key positions."

Brglez isn't pulling any punches in his criticism of the party. His biggest disagreement with SMC party leader and outgoing Prime Minister Miro Cerar was over the Aliens Act.

When the act was passed, Cerar called upon Brglez to resign. The two later patched up their differences, but the reconciliation was short-lived. According to Brglez, the two temporarily put aside their differences because they both strove for the implementation of the arbitration ruling on the border between Slovenia and Croatia. "But that's over now, and there's no reason for me to hide any longer. I need to draw the line somewhere," Brglez said.

Brglez said he would stay on as a member of the SMC deputy group. He also stressed that he wouldn't want to stand in the way of a possible coalition with LMŠ, the election runner-up. Moreover, the Left and the Social Democrats haven't ruled out the possibility of Brglez joining their ranks.