The National Assembly will hold a first reading of the implementation of the law on the fiscal rule. The proposal will be voted on by MPs on Friday. Implementing the law must be supported by at least 60 members. Foto: The National Assembly/Martina Čuk
The National Assembly will hold a first reading of the implementation of the law on the fiscal rule. The proposal will be voted on by MPs on Friday. Implementing the law must be supported by at least 60 members. Foto: The National Assembly/Martina Čuk

Implementing the law must be supported by at least 60 members. The bill more accurately defines the way of balancing budgets and possible exemptions.
The bill also provides for the gradual balancing of budgets. It raises the time for it to become obligatory by four years. This year the government is expected to run a 2.8 percent deficit, next year a 2.1 percent deficit, then 1.3 percent and 0.6 per cent in 2018. The budget should then by balanced by 2019. This would mean reducing the budget every year by around 0.7 percent, which annually translates to around 260 million. This significant reduction of the deficit is not easy, if it is not supported by economic growth.