The movement “29. October” has announced new anti-government protests. Foto: BoBo
The movement “29. October” has announced new anti-government protests. Foto: BoBo

Last year around 500 people gathered in Maribor on the square of Leon Štukelj. Organisers of the protest plan on organising simultaneous anti-government protests in Maribor and Ljubljana.

The movement “29. October” wrote on Facebook, that the banking-political elite rearranges the laws and subordinates institutions in a quick manner. They say the arrogance of the Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek and the government and the whole parliament reminds them of the superiority of the dictator regimes which we witnessed in the past century.

The protest organisers say that in a time, when the legal state is only an illusion and the little man is the one holding up the mistakes of the criminals and the increasing debt that the people do not profit from at all and sinking deeper and deeper. They say hope for a better tomorrow is a pathetic sentiment that reminds of happy endings in Hollywood movies. The “29. October” movement stated it is important, that the people show their power and remind the Parliament Members and other functionaries that they work for the people and not the other way around.