The start of the construction of the highway section to Gruškovje just around the corner. Foto: BoBo
The start of the construction of the highway section to Gruškovje just around the corner. Foto: BoBo

The only missing section on the 2,300km-long highway from Hamburg to Thessaloniki will be completed in the summer of 2018. Construction work on the section is to begin in August this year.
Several decades of aspirations
After several decades of aspirations, residents between Gruškovje and Ptuj will finally be assured that in a few years their region will no longer suffer from traffic delays or poor traffic safety, reports Danijel Poslek, for Radio Slovenija.
It took civil initiatives, protest rallies and threats of setting up roadblocks to get things going and help the efforts for constructing the last remaining highway section in the Podravje region, between Draženci and Gruškovje. Residents from the lower Podravje region have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The envisaged plan will bring relief to the residents of the Haloze area. In summer months more than 10km-long tailbacks towards the Gruškovje border crossing with Croatia bring traffic to a halt.