Türk's possible candidacy won the support of the former, and of the current government. Foto: BoBo
Türk's possible candidacy won the support of the former, and of the current government. Foto: BoBo
Danilo Türk and Karl Erjavec
Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec explained that the Ministry has been supporting the candidacy since it has been announced. Foto: BoBo

"Danilo Türk has experience, and his success would also mean a good result of the Slovenian foreign policy," was the opinion Minister of Foreign affairs Karl Erjavec expressed for the Odmevi show regarding the fact that after the expiry of Ban Ki Mun's mandate as the UN Secretary-General the name of the former president of the state Danilo Türk is being mentioned. Our diplomats have already working on his promotion. "As the Minister of Foreign Affairs I never neglect to mention, especially during bilateral meetings with my colleagues, that Slovenia has an adequate candidate within the East European group which turn it is now," the Minister explained.

Türk's considering his possible candidacy for the UN Secretary-General became public a year ago, and at that time the government led by Alenka Bratušek announced its support. Miro Cerar's government is of the same opinion, and the support of the local politics carries the most importance for winning sympathy in the assembly. Prime Minister Cerar believes that Türk is considered "a strong and credible candidate, with a real possibility for success", therefore he asked the diplomats to provide all the necessary diplomatic, and logistic support.

SDS and NSi Parties are opposed
But, judging by the reactions of the opposition, Türk won't have the support of the entire political community. The largest opposition party SDS is strongly opposed. Member of Parliament Branko Grims claims that the election for such an important office should depend on the values. "His actions prove that he does not respect the basic values advocated by the United Nations Organisation, not even those characteristic of the European Union, and thus his chances are slim." He again reminded of Türk's statement about the expressing of opinion on Huda jama (Cave of Evil) on the Women's day celebration, declaring it a second-rate topic, and his decorating Tomaž Ertl, pre-independence Secretary of the Interior.

NSi Party also denied their support, as according to their president Ljudmila Novak "a person who was not good enough for my president can't be good enough for the UN Secretary-General." NSi Party is convinced that at least a discussion should be held at the Foreign Policy Board of the National Assembly "if we wish to find a wider consent for the support. Yet the president of the government Miro Cerar made the decision on his own."

The United Left today refuse to comment the happening concerning Türk, while Alenka Bratušek (ZaAB) emphasizes that this is Slovenia's opportunity to win an important international function. "I am pleased that also the new government promised its full support. I believe Slovenia has a good chance to succeed," she continued.

The President of the Republic Borut Pahor is in favour of Türk's candidacy. "If Slovenia decides in favour of such candidacies, it must be persistent, prepare the arguments, and also side with its candidate in order to succeed," he said.

A. S., translated by G. K.