Ten Unions from the field of energetics and infrastructure formed alliance. Foto: BoBo
Ten Unions from the field of energetics and infrastructure formed alliance. Foto: BoBo

Without property there is no national wealth, the ownership is the key lever for economic growth. Selling companies from the field of energetics would be irresponsible, and detrimental to the citizens.

Branko Sevčnikar, Energy Sector Trade Union of Slovenia

"There will be no sale of public infrastructure, traffic, Dars, Port of Koper, and Slovenian railways, without us. We are not against sale to foreign capital, if it would bring new technology, open new markets, and preserve or even increase the number of workplaces. We are however against such sale as happened with Mercator and Helios," explained Zdenko Lorber, head of the Alternativa Union, one of the three Union centrals whose members formed the alliance.

The alliance was joined by the unions from the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije) (ZSSS), and the Union of Workers of Slovenia – Solidarnost. Their members represent 80% or more of the workers, members of the union, Lorber said at the joint press conference, without quoting the exact number of the members.

Request no. 1: Modification of the SDH (Slovenian Sovereign Holding) statute
The first request of the alliance demands modification of the SDH statute. Presently the statute denies Unions the right to call meetings of managing boards, and to form proposals for these meetings, announced Lorber. The second request is actually putting pressure on politics to define strategically important state-owned companies, which are according to the words of the union leaders poorly managed, and subjected to constant speculations on privatisation.

"Selling energetics is irresponsible"
"Without property there is no national wealth, the ownership is the key lever for economic growth. Selling companies from the field of energetics would be irresponsible, and detrimental to the citizens," says Energy Sector Trade Union head Branko Sevčnikar.
Zlatko Ratej, head of the Trade Union of Train Drivers, demands that the Slovenian Railways remain an integrated company, as its operation is successful.

The alliance is opening people's eyes
Mladen Jovičič from the Trade Union of Crane Operators at the Port Operator said that the successful state-owned companies are constantly facing the dilemma, either poor management, or an even worse scenario, i.e. sale to foreigners. They hope this alliance will open the eyes of "somewhat lethargic population". With their actions they would like to prevent the destruction of the elementary infrastructure on which successful economic development is based. He emphasizes that the unions participating have the representation and the power to realize all the union measures, even the extreme ones.

Investments from EU and EIB
When asked where the solution could come from, or the investors, considering that the state is a poor manager, and the owners from abroad are concerned only with their own profit, the unionists reply: "The European cohesion funds, funds from the European Investment Bank, and public-private partnership."

"We should take matters into our own hands," Mladen Jovičič summed up the message by the Unions joined in the new alliance.

Saša Banjanac Lubej, MMC
translated by G. K.

Without property there is no national wealth, the ownership is the key lever for economic growth. Selling companies from the field of energetics would be irresponsible, and detrimental to the citizens.

Branko Sevčnikar, Energy Sector Trade Union of Slovenia