The Union representatives have decisively rejected the present government starting points. Foto: BoBo
The Union representatives have decisively rejected the present government starting points. Foto: BoBo

The Union representatives have decisively rejected the present government starting points, which besides prolongation of the presently valid saving measures include also interventions regarding several benefits, and additional reduction of the number of employees on annual basis.

The negotiations with the government will continue on Wednesday, and the representative unions have been working on a written answer for days. Dušan Semolič, President of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) has revealed that the counter-proposal will, in the best case scenario, include prolongation of the currently valid measures, and the request for release of promotions, and seeking savings on the revenue side of the budget. "We have reached the lowest limit, and going below is simply not an option," he warned.

The Unions were unpleasantly surprised mostly by Cerar’s statements on Monday, when he said that they overreacted to the beginning of negotiations on reduction of wage bill, as the negotiations had only started.

G. C.
Translated by G. K.