The two-day beer festival wiil offer 40 different types of draught beer and 60 types of bottled beer. Foto: Reuters
The two-day beer festival wiil offer 40 different types of draught beer and 60 types of bottled beer. Foto: Reuters

On offer will be 40 different types of draught beer and 60 types of bottled beer. Organizers promise to bring in special types of Belgian beer, including those very hard to find (if at all) in Slovenia.

There will also be an increased selection of so-called sour beers (wild or spontaneous fermentation beers). Worth mentioning in this category is the lambic beer from the Brussels-based Cantillon brewery.

Beer under Unesco protection
Available will also be the special Westfleteren 8 and 12 beers and the Gulden Draak draught beer brewmaster edition 2016, which was aged in whiskey oak barrels. Not to be missed are the Trappists, which are now officially on the Unesco world heritage list. One of them, the Westvleteren 12, is considered to be the best beer in the world.
The festival will also present a new Belgian microbrewery called Paljas, which will represent itself in Ljubljana with draught Saison and IPA beers.

And to satisfy your food cravings also on offer will be traditional Belgian fries.

K. S., MMC; translated by K. J.