Brexit referendum campaigning reaches climax. Foto: Reuters
Brexit referendum campaigning reaches climax. Foto: Reuters

A good month ago more than 250 famous Brits published an open letter in the Guardian calling on their compatriots to vote for remaining in the European Union in Thursday's referendum.

Openly supporting Britain's stay in the European Union is also well-known British comedian John Oliver. In his regular weekly show he recently humorously (first video below) reminded the British why it was worth staying in the European Union. On the other hand he also amusingly rejected practically all of the "arguments" coming from the Brexit »vote leave« campaigners.

"F*** you, European Union! It feels good to tell you this."
His witty commentary ended with a referendum coloured version of the European anthem - Beethoven's Ode to Joy - which you can see in the second video below. This version of the anthem (once again) also mentions Slovenia: "F*** you, European Union! / It feels good to tell you this. / Poland is depressing, / and there's vampires in Romania. / Spain is far too hot / and where the f*** is Lithuania? / To be fair, Slovenia's lovely / (we're only kidding, it suck too!) / But we must admit, / without these countries / we'd be really screwed!"