The 62-year-old Novak, a member of the SNG Maribor Drama, has played more than a hundred prominent theater and film roles in recent years and has received numerous awards. Foto: BoBo
The 62-year-old Novak, a member of the SNG Maribor Drama, has played more than a hundred prominent theater and film roles in recent years and has received numerous awards. Foto: BoBo

During the closing ceremony, the Borštnik ring for life work as well as the Borštnik awards for best show, directing, acting and other artistic achievements will be handed out. The receivers of the Borštnik awards will be chosen from 11 performances by 8 directors. This year's recipient of the Borštnik ring for life work is Vlado Novak, who, according to the jury of the theater festival, is one of the most recognizable actors of Slovenian theater.

The 62-year-old Novak, a member of the SNG Maribor Drama, has played more than a hundred prominent theater and film roles in recent years and has received numerous awards; in addition to the Prešeren Award and several Borštnik awards.

T. M., RSi