In Slovenia volunteer work is mostly known through the volunteer organizations active in the field of civil protection, especially because of the many volunteer fire brigades. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
In Slovenia volunteer work is mostly known through the volunteer organizations active in the field of civil protection, especially because of the many volunteer fire brigades. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

"In Slovenia volunteer work is mostly known through the volunteer organizations active in the field of civil protection, especially because of the many volunteer fire brigades. There is more and more action regarding humanitarian work, due to the long-lasting economic crisis. But the fact is that we still have many individuals among us, still not fond of the idea of doing volunteer work for free. On the other hand we also have many people who regularly help out. Nothing is difficult for them. They strongly believe in something and they don't find it difficult to invest their time and money into it," is what Primož Jamšek from the Slovene Philanthropy says about Slovenia's volunteers.

Jamšek says that there is an increasing number of people interested in doing volunteer work, which is also due to the economic crisis. The crisis has positively influenced volunteer work. Because of the crisis people started asking questions. Today there is also an increased number of involved middle-aged people, who haven't done much volunteer work in the past as they were always occupied with their jobs. According to Jamšek, there is also a growing number of unemployed people who wish to do volunteer work.