The first on the list are the spouses Iza and Samo Login, the main co-founders of the mobile application developer OUTFIT7. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
The first on the list are the spouses Iza and Samo Login, the main co-founders of the mobile application developer OUTFIT7. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

The value of their company, which is not listed at the stock market, supposedly exceeds one billion euros, which makes it the first company of this size privately owned by Slovenians.

The second place is held by Sandi Češko, Studio Moderna founder. The value of his company diminished to EUR 390 mil., while at the third place Tatjana and Albin Doberšek can be found with EUR 325 mil., three decades ago they founded an engineering company in Germany.

Joc Pečečnik is the fourth. The value of his company has increased by one fifth to EUR 226, due to the increased sale of casinos in the USA. Two more owners of the Outfit company founded by the leading pair Izza and Samo Login can be found among the first 10; two more persons who earned their wealth during privatisation; a financier, and a married couple owning an engineering company. A record number of entrepreneurs dealing with information technology, mobile applications, computer science can be found on this year's list, with an exceptional number of young people. Nejc Kodrič and Damijan Merlak made good use of the interest shown for the virtual currency, bitcoin. Among the wealthiest Slovenians some from the new, digital economy can be found, as well as those who made their wealth either on the privatisation waves, or in technical-construction businesses.

The wealthiest have already become too big for Slovenia. Hundreds of millions of euros by the satisfied users of their applications intended for digital appliances flow to their accounts, and their wealth grows quickly. The Logins claim they are not the owners any more, and that they donated their part of the company worth a billion euros to a charitable institution, but the reporters of the Manager Magazine were not able to confirm that. However, they did discover an extremely complicated structure of ownership of the Outfit7 company, stretching from London through Cyprus to Liechtenstein. Češko transferred the ownership of the company from the Netherlands to Cyprus. Those who became rich quickly often avoid the limelight … and often even the simple questions asking about the ownership of the company. They are resourceful and inventive, determined, resolute, and boast exceptional work ethics. Their way of thinking differs a lot from the typical Slovenian patterns and social frames. Izza Login wrote in a column in Finance Magazine that success depends on conscious planning and subconscious, on positive thinking and belief in oneself. Life is beautiful, and at complete disposal to our rich creativity and manifestation, she claims.

T. H.