Peony at it's best. Foto: Miro Štebe/TV Slovenija
Peony at it's best. Foto: Miro Štebe/TV Slovenija

Peony is considered the oldest decorative plant. Our ancestors had started planting them in their gardens already in the distant past.

Most species originate from Asia, i.e. China and Siberia. Cross-breeding turned them into an extremely heterogeneous family of coloured bushes, differing in number of blooms, and their shape. Our indigenous peonies have a single row of petals, and blooms in different shades of red. They grow to half a metre in height, usually in the form of small bushes. They can be found at forest edges and on clearings. They mostly bloom in May.

At this time of the year a multitude of other interesting blooming botanic species are keeping company to peonies, decorating Karst slopes.

D. S., Miro Štebe (TV Slovenija)
Translated by G. K.