The storms that hit Slovenia on Tuesday afternoon caused problems and damage, mainly in the Eastern part of the country. Foto: BoBo
The storms that hit Slovenia on Tuesday afternoon caused problems and damage, mainly in the Eastern part of the country. Foto: BoBo

Lightning strike caused fire at a farm building in the village of Močle, in the municipality of Šmarje pri Jelšah. Firefighters contained the fire, preventing it to spread onto neighbouring houses. The fire was put out. Firemen managed to save the livestock and some of the agricultural machinery. The building was completely destroyed and the amount of material damage is not known.
A house was also struck by lightning in Spodnje Pijavško, in the Krško municipality, damaging part of the roof. A private car was also damaged when a roof tile fell on it.
Sunny and hot until Sunday
In the Brežice municipality the railway gate system was struck by lightning. Traffic at the railway crossing had to be regulated by the police, until the system was repaired. Due to heavy rain, rainwater also caused problems in the rest of the country and winds brought down a number of trees.

It will be mostly sunny on Wednesday and Thursday. Afternoon showers or storms may occur in the mountain regions of northern Slovenia.