Negotiations will continue on Monday, first with Desus and SD and later with the party of Alenka Bratušek. Foto: BoBo
Negotiations will continue on Monday, first with Desus and SD and later with the party of Alenka Bratušek. Foto: BoBo

He said the offer the Nsi had on the table had been a generous one. Forming a new coalition proved to be harder than first thought.

After a busy week, Cerar also questioned any further cooperation with the Alliance of Alenka Bratušek. She is namely being investigated by the anti-graft commission over her self-nomination for the post of European commissioner. That's why a coalition of three parties, the Miro Cerar party, the Pensioners' Party Desus and the Social Democtrats SD is more likely at the moment than having the Bratušek Alliance in the coalition.

Negotiations will continue on Monday, first with Desus and SD and later with the party of Alenka Bratušek. The party of Miro Cerar will give its final decision about its coalition partners on Wednesday.
The distribution of ministries among coalition partners will also be on the agenda next week. There could be less than 16 ministries and the draft coalition agreement is expected to be ratified before 25 August.
Cerar is backed by 56 MPs.

translated by: I.U., Rsi