Peter Debeljak, Director of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth Foto: MMC RTV SLO
Peter Debeljak, Director of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth Foto: MMC RTV SLO

the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, and added that the emigration of young people could be stopped by a just and proactive employment policy.

Peter Debeljak, Director of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, at the MMC web chat series titled The world depends on the youth presented the national programme for youth, the purpose of which is to increase employment of the young people.

In June the government passed the resolution on the national youth programme for the period of 2013 to 2022, which is presently discussed by the National Assembly. And what will this document bring? Above all, harmonized measures for improving the position of young people in education, employment, entrepreneurship, living conditions, health, and wellbeing.

"Not any kind of employment, but a quality employment "
The crucial point of the national programme for youth is employment, explained Debeljak. "The analyses prove that for a successful emancipation of young people an employment is crucial. Not any kind of employment, but a quality employment. And in Slovenia we don't create such employments." He said that we were the first in the EU by temporary forms of employment, while the increase of unemployment of young people in Slovenia was the highest from all the members of the European Union. "We have a serious structural problem. I don't think it will be enough to keep the status quo by constantly introducing new subvention schemes, but I am convinced an intervention into the systematic regulation of the labour market is necessary." His message to the young people was: "You don't need any subventions."

He admitted that one of the problems was the Bologna study system, but not the key problem. "Comparatively we still have a relatively solid educational system, which however needs some airing, as a number of others subsystems. It is enough to check the number of permanently employed foreign professors at our universities. Data speak for themselves."

"The key is within the labour market"
In his opinion our society needs a new intergeneration agreement: "Today, the key is within the labour market. Those who have a stable, adequately paid employment don't need any special measures regarding the housing policy. The analyses show that young people do not wish to continue living with their parents, but they are forced to do so. The young people of today are the second generation after the World War II which, obviously, cannot count on the altruism of the society."

On October 1 Mitja Urbanc, President of the Student Organisation of Slovenia, was our guest for web chat. On October 15 at 11 o'clock our guest will be Darja Jamnik from the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia, on October 22 our guest will be dr. Mina Paš from DrogArta. On October 29 at 11 o'clock dr. Evita Leskovšek from the Institute for Health Protection will answer sex related questions.