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News PC rule mandatory for soldiers and Defense Ministry employees as of 1 Oct

25. 9. 2021After 1 October, PC (recovered or vaccinated) rule will be mandatory for soldiers and employees of the Ministry of Defense.


News Staatspräsident Pahor hielt Rede vor der UN- Vollversammlung in New York

24. 9. 2021Staatspräsident Borut Pahor hat heute bei der 76.UNO - Vollversammlung in New York eine Rede gehalten. Im Fokus seiner Ansprache waren unter anderem die Covid-19 Pandemie und Klima Schutzmaßnahmen.


News Civil servants to challenge Covid pass at top court

19. 9. 2021The government faces major pushback after their decision that civil servants will need to be either recovered from or vaccinated against Covid-19 to be able to work at their offices.


News Ab Mittwoch gelten strengere 3G Regelungen

12. 9. 2021Ab Mittwoch gelten strengere PCT Bedingungen mit einigen Ausnahmen. Fast alle Beschäftigten müssen ab Mittwoch eine der drei G Regelung erfüllen.


News Janša says the government is determined not to shut down economy or public life

8. 9. 2021While touring the western Goriška region with his cabinet today, Prime Minister Janez Janša responded to the latest surge in coronavirus infections by saying the government was determined not to shut down the economy or public life.


Coming up Rehabilitacija in dolgotrajni Covid

8. 9. 2021Ob današnjem Svetovnem dnevu fizioterapije po vsem svetu potekajo aktivnosti, ki se posvečajo prelomni zdravstveni krizi našega časa.


News Widespread condemnation after the storming of RTVSLO

4. 9. 2021The storming of public broadcaster has received widespread condemnation, with many calling it an attack against media and journalism.


News Einige Unternehmen müssen Subventionen zurückzahlen

3. 9. 2021Während der Covid-19-Epidemie haben Unternehmen in Slowenien verschiedene Formen staatlicher Beihilfen erhalten. Einige Unternehmen waren nicht so stark betroffen und müssen nun die erhaltenen Subventionen zurückzahlen.


News Around 4% of the total Covid-related state subsidies will have to be returned

3. 9. 2021According to an estimate by the Slovenian Financial Administration (FURS), just over 25,000 different taxable persons who received state aid during the Covid-19 epidemic will have to repay the received subsidies, totaling just under EUR 90 million.

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