The 21-year-old from Bistrica ob Sotli comes from a family of five, diligent workers and farmers who specialise in viticulture and fruit farming. Foto: Organizator
The 21-year-old from Bistrica ob Sotli comes from a family of five, diligent workers and farmers who specialise in viticulture and fruit farming. Foto: Organizator

Stadler will also represent Slovenian wines, viticulture, tourism and cultural heritage at home and abroad.

The 21-year-old from Bistrica ob Sotli comes from a family of five, diligent workers and farmers who specialise in viticulture and fruit farming. Sara attended the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium in Šentvid pri Ljubljani before enrolling into the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana, where she studies agronomy. She is particularly interested in viticulture and wine production, which is why she intends to start a specialisation in this direction once she graduates.
She's an active member of her home community, as she's part of virtually all societies: she's the vice-president of the youth association, has been an active firefighter for more than 10 years, plays in the Še-Bi Teater group, and has sung in the village's mixed chorus for almost six years.

The 20th Slovenian Queen of Wine for 2016 has two wines: Sauvignon 2015, semi-sweet, and Italian Riesling, ice wine, sweet. The organisers of the competition described Sauvignon as a young wine of of yellow colour with a greenish hue and a mature, lovely, emphatic smell. "The aroma reminds of mown grass, pepper and currant leaves. It's a balanced lively wine with a trend character," they added.

Slovenia's Queen of Wine 2016 has been crowned by Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan, who was also the honourable speaker at the event, and the president of Pomurje Fair. Sandra Vučko, last year's queen, said goodbye to the crown in a brief speech but will stay in the industry of wine and wine culture.

Since 1996 the crown of the Slovenian Queen of Wine has adorned the heads of Lidija Mavretič, Selma Lukač, Katarina Jenžur, Irena Kupljen, Martina Stegovec, Jerneja Bratuša, Tjaša Koroša, Simona Štraus, Vesna Bajuk, Maja Cigoj, Maja Benčina, Svetlana Širec, Karolina Kobal, Andreja Erzeti, Simona Žugelj, Martina Baškovič, Neža Pavlič, Špela Štokelj, and Vučko as 2015 winner.

K. K.
Translated by K. Z.