The sedate beginning of the tour, starting in Kozina. Foto: Marko Šajn
The sedate beginning of the tour, starting in Kozina. Foto: Marko Šajn
The descent above Črni Kal. Foto: Marko Šajn
Just before turning left towards Kubed. Foto: Marko Šajn
The tour is approximately 74 km long. Foto:
The rocks above Črni Kal start rising in front of your eyes. Foto: Marko Šajn

Summer days are perfect for a break at the seaside. Although this year has been rather unkind to cyclists, occasionally we get lucky and wake up into a sunny and not too hot day. If you are one of those cyclists who like to spice up your tours with a couple of ascents, the tour through Kubed and Pomjan will please you just fine.

Those who are familiar with the route of the Race Around Slovenia know the names of the settlements Kubed, Marezige and Pomjan. Perhaps you have already visited these places, read about them, or are even lucky enough to live close by. Well, these places are worth considering when planning a tour towards the Slovenian coast. Thanks to the highway and other roads much more suitable for cars, you will be able to ride your bike without worrying about the traffic, even during the high tourist season. The ride on the well maintained roads will be made even more interesting by beautiful villages, the view of the sea, olive groves and vineyards.

From the initial descent towards a wonderful panoramic ascent
The tour starts at Kozina, with a pleasant long descent along the wide and more or less empty road towards Črni Kal. At the intersection you turn left and continue the descent for approximately one kilometre, until the sign for Kubed. You turn left towards Kubed one more time, and after another short descent the high rocks above Črni Kal rise up before your eyes. It is best you get used to the view, as it will accompany you almost all the time.
The road starts to climb slowly towards Kubed, and after a couple of turns Kubed greets you with its famous five-pointed outlook tower.

From here on the road goes up and down, you have to conquer a short ascents, and fast descents. As a part of your route follows the route of the Race Around Slovenia, you can follow the signs intended for the racers which are still visible at some of the intersections – through the villages Sveti Anton, Marezige, all the way to Babiči where you have to turn left towards Pomjan.

Ascent to Pomjan requires endurance
As soon as you turn left in Babiči, the road starts climbing steeply towards Pomjan. It winds towards this small village, and although you expect the top behind every bend, it remains hidden for quite some time. And when it gets the steepest, the first houses in the village surprise you. Your effort is rewarded by the wonderful view of the entire littoral area.

You have passed approximately one half of our tour, and it continues with an amusing descent through Šmarje and towards a slightly busier road connecting the border crossing at Dragonja and Koper you join at the roundabout at Srgaši, where you turn right. The descent from there continues until the lowest point of the route, as the road from Srgaši after a couple of bends ends in Koper. You can decide on a quick jump into the sea, or just turn away and continue towards Kozina.
Those who would like to ride a bit further can turn left at the roundabout at Srgaši towards the border crossing at Dragonja, and continue along the coast through Sečovlje salt pans, Lucija and Izola. This road takes you to Koper as well, and the only thing separating you from the finish line is the long slope of Črni Kal.

Uphill until finish
From Koper the route takes you through Bertoki, almost unnoticeably climbing towards the famous ascent through Črni Kal. At Dekani you turn right, where the Rižana river keeps you company for some time. This road used to be very busy during summer months, but now it pampers you in its solitude. Now only the last, but also the longest ascent towards Kozina is in front of you.

The long bends relentlessly rise below, parallel to, and quite soon above the longest viaduct in Slovenia. Due to the length of the road you have left behind this fact will be quite welcome to your tired legs. The last few kilometres before Kozina are probably also the most difficult, as the road still gradually climbs, and allows no rest. Thus the sight of Kozina brings great pleasure, as it signifies the end of the tour.

Text and photos: Marko Šajn
Translated by G. K.