"What would be the motive of Banka Slovenije for falsification of documents?" he wanders. Foto: BoBo

"If it were true that Bank Slovenije had falsified documents, somebody should be able to show both the original, and the falsified document. We have in our possession only the original, which you have seen. The Constitutional Court also has the original document, and it is deciding on the constitutionality of the whole procedure," he said at today's press conference.

"What would be the motive of Banka Slovenije for falsification of documents?" he wanders."The methodology of the due diligence inspection has been published at the Banka Slovenije website," he explains. And the reason for the discrepancy in quality assessment of assets of the inspected banks? According to him the difference resulted from fact that Roland Berger auditing house performed the so-called top-down inspection, and Deloitte the bottom-up inspection. "The latter always prevails."

He explained that only people with vivid fantasy could believe that Banka Slovenije has such power to force the entire Euro system into performing tests to prove that the Slovenian taxpayers had to give to banks more money than necessary. He believes that the only intention is to contest the credibility of the central bank.

He explained in details that on December 16, 2013 Banka Slovenije got the information that the European Commission would issue the order on state aid in two days, i.e. on December 19 at 10 o'clock. "The international accounting standards are used for going concerns, therefore liquidation values were used at valuation," he explained the legal grounds for the Banka Slovenije actions. He says that the discrepancy between their request and the actual recapitalisation between the years 2010 and 2012 is almost one billion euros.

Andrej Čebokli, MMC
Translated by G. K.