The missive, published on the website of SMC, his political party, also focused on PM’s memories of the courage, unity, vitality and vision in the entire nation 25 years ago, during the declaration of independence. Foto: BoBo
The missive, published on the website of SMC, his political party, also focused on PM’s memories of the courage, unity, vitality and vision in the entire nation 25 years ago, during the declaration of independence. Foto: BoBo

of the Republic of Slovenia as well as the Declaration of Independence, officially declaring Slovenia as a sovereign country.

In his missive to the nation, PM Miro Cerar wrote that memories of Slovenia declaring its independence filled him with great pride. Slovenia is still successfully tackling the challenges it is faced with, he added, and optimism has started to re-awaken. “We should allow ourselves to be bold in new changes,” the PM appealed to the citizens.

The missive, published on the website of SMC, his political party, also focused on PM’s memories of the courage, unity, vitality and vision in the entire nation 25 years ago, during the declaration of independence. “We knew we were stronger together. No obstacle was too high for us. We knew that each individual is a piece in the mosaic of forming a new democratic country. This is why I’m convinced that anyone can identify with the fact that we managed to achieve something almost impossible. We acted as a unified whole and strived toward a joint goal – a better life in our own country,” Cerar elaborated.

The PM also admitted that some mistakes had occurred in the past quarter century of the independent country. However, Slovenia is successful in handling these challenges, “since we’re focused on the future again”, Cerar argues, adding that “we should recognize our successes, which are plentiful. We should be bold in new changes. I’m fully convinced we can make it if we do this together.”

B. R., A. Č.; translated by K. Z.