Pivovarna Laško will get 7.3 million euros for newspaper publisher Delo. Foto: BoBo
Pivovarna Laško will get 7.3 million euros for newspaper publisher Delo. Foto: BoBo

Laško expects the transaction to be completed within months. They will get less than one tenth of the amount paid when the newspaper publisher was purchased (95 million euros).

FMR announced their intention to act as a long-term owner of Delo, and support its strategy, technology, and personnel development. "As owners we will do our best to implement good corporative management and thus contribute to successful operation of Delo, resulting in good foundations for preservation and development of independent and research journalism, in compliance with the journalistic code and ethics. At the same time we as the owner of the company expect from the management of Delo profitable operation, which is one of the most important reasons for our purchase of Delo," they explained.

"The owner is entitled to choose a buyer "
The president of the Delo management Irma Gubanec from the new owner of the newspaper publisher expects understanding of their industry, and encouragement of development. "The owner is entitled to decide on a buyer. In our opinion a suitable buyer for the owner is anyone who intends to find opportunities for further development within the company, and improve our success. Without any doubt the company has great potential," she believes.

The FMR company is, according to finance.si, owned by the companies from the Kolektor group, while 38.66% is owned by the Edvard Svetlik's Hidria Fin company. FMR owns 39% of the Kolektor Group company, and 23% of Kolektor Koling, the company which will construct the new Ljubljana emergency center; it is also the owner of the FMR Media company, and Idrija retirement home, and has in its possession some shares of the companies Krka, Zavarovalnica Triglav... Until his recent retirement the head of the group was Stojan Petrič.

A. Č., A. S., Translated by G. K.