According to Eurobarometer survey, 87% of the respondents are satisfied with life in Slovenia, Foto: BoBo
According to Eurobarometer survey, 87% of the respondents are satisfied with life in Slovenia, Foto: BoBo

Thus only 13% of the Slovenians are dissatisfied, compared to less than one fifth of the Europeans. Compared to the previous survey performed last spring, the satisfaction with own life among the Slovenians has grown by 6 percentage points, while satisfaction at EU level improved only by 1%.

Almost two thirds of the Slovenians (64%) consider the financial situation of their households as good, which is 4 percentage points below EU average, which is in Slovenia by 4% more than noted at the occasion of the previous survey, and unchanged at EU level. More than a half of the respondents (57%) consider their personal situation regarding their employment good, almost the same as in Europe (58%).

The Slovenians believe the quality of life is somewhat better in the EU than at home. 46% of respondents consider life in Slovenia as good, while 62% believe life in the EU is good. The respondents from other countries in average consider the quality of life has improved (61%), but the trend of positive grades in Slovenia has improved by 9 percentage points since the last survey, and only by one point at the EU level.

Pessimistic about economy
Pessimism can be noticed at evaluation of the condition of the Slovenian economy and employment. Four out of five respondents from Slovenia (80%) consider the economic situation in Slovenia is bad. The trend of changes in public opinion since the last survey however shows certain progress.