An excavator brought to the Rog factory courtyard on June 6 has been removed. Foto: BoBo
An excavator brought to the Rog factory courtyard on June 6 has been removed. Foto: BoBo

Members of the Rog community and the Ljubljana Urban Municipality have begun looking for a compromise regarding the future development of the former factory. The municipality has prepared its framework for negotiations. When the Rog community does likewise, the talks are set to resume.

As has previously been reported, an excavator was brought to the front of the Rog factory on June 6. However, it did not demolish any buildings because the opponents of the demolition had set up barricades and expressed their determination to "place their bodies in front of construction equipment" in order to prevent Rog from becoming yet another vacant construction site. The start of demolition had been planned for June 14.

The Ljubljana Urban Municipality is planning a reconstruction of the Rog site, and approximately 15 million euros have been earmarked for this purpose. The funds will come out of the Ljubljana Urban Municipality’s 2017-2018 budget and the renovation is set to be completed within two years. "We’re talking about the main Rog buildings; the other structures will be demolished," explained Zoran Janković, when discussing the municipality’s plans.

On June 14, the courts issued a temporary injunction that prohibited the Ljubljana Urban Municipality from beginning the process of demolition. The injunction prevents municipality employees from entering the premises of the factory, either alone or with security personnel, in order to begin the demolition process or to use the construction equipment in any way.

K. T.; Translated by J.B.