
After being suspected of committing the crime of torturing animals the Lendava court issued the owner a six-month suspended prison sentence. According to unofficial sources the convicted man is a well-known natural gas businessman Marjan Kolar. After the issuing of the sentenceKolar appealed the verdict at the Higher Court in Maribor.His appeal was rejected and the Higher Court confirmed the six-month prison sentence. The decision of the Higher Court was received by the local court in Lendava at the beginning of the month.

One fourth of the cattle died
Veterinary officials from Murska Sobota received the report of the tortured, starving and neglected animals, in December 2012. The report was filed by the veterinary-hygienic service, which is responsible for collecting dead farm animals.

The chief inspector at the Administration for Food Safety, Andreja Bizjak, explained that they later found out that 22 cows out of the 90 head of cattle died between September 2012 and December 2012. Those animals which survived were in such a bad state, emaciated and neglected, that the veterinarian on duty immediately requested emergency veterinary care.

The animals were taken away from the farm and given to another breeder. The previous owner was also issued a temporary ban from breeding animals, in accordance with the Animal Protection Act. Potential similar violations could lead to a permanent ban.

The first prison sentence for torturing animals in Slovenian history was issued three years ago by a Koper court. A man was issued a one-month prison sentence for the cruel treatment of a dog.