Navzgor so šle bruto in neto povprečne plače. Foto: BoBo
Navzgor so šle bruto in neto povprečne plače. Foto: BoBo

In March the average monthly net salary stood at EUR 1,008.10, and was higher than February’s by 1.8 percent in nominal and by 0.9 percent in real terms, announced the statistical bureau. The average monthly net salary reached EUR 1,550.33 in March and grew nominally by 2.3 %, with real growth at 1.4 %.

The average monthly gross salary in the first quarter of 2015 also increased in comparison to the same period in 2014, and this applies to all three sectors: the private (2.7 %) and the public (1.6 %) sector as well as the government (0.6 %).

A. Č., MMC; translated by K. Z.